Want to support my non-profit, your troops and their pets? Visit dogsondeployment.org to learn more!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

PCS: Pets' Confusion and Separation

Military life is anything but normal; one of those abnormalities is the constant change of scenery. Since my husband and I have been in the military, between the two of us, we have completed six PCS moves (Permanent Change of Station). This week, I'll be completing our seventh.

Its not just the humans that move, its the dogs too.

PCS moves are chaotic, disorganized, stressful and hard on families. You've got to deal with slow-moving administration offices who file your moving paperwork in methods that only were acceptable during days of the stone-age, you've got to upfront money for the costs of moving because the money department forgot to file your advances on pay, you've got to deal with movers that are paid minimum wage on a government contract where your stuff is in constant threat of being damaged, you've got to convince your housing complex to release you from your lease without finding the most absurd reasons to keep your housing deposit, you've got to find housing within 10 days at your new duty station that you've never been too while also going into work everyday, you've got to make sure all your check-in paperwork is in order, etc, etc, etc. Any military member or spouse can tell you PCSing is the least favorite part of military life!

And all this, you've got to deal with your fur-kids. They don't understand what is going on. You've brought them to a home where they've settled. They've thoroughly marked the yard and neighborhood, they've developed a relationship with the neighbor's dog and meet every morning at the fence line to bark for five minutes, they know the sound of your car coming in the driveway, the car ride to the dog park; and the one to the vet, they've established their favorite napping spot by the AC vent and their favorite place to pee (which happens to be indoors...). This is their home, then one day, strange people come and put everything in boxes, move it to a big truck and then they're stuffed in a car full of household goods (the most amount that can fit since you get paid to move by weight), off to a new place. 

This can be extremely stressful for animals, as well as people. The move that I will be making this week will be from Pensacola, FL to Corpus Christi, TX so that I can start Primary for Naval flight school. This is the first move that I've done on my own, and my first move where I have not only JD, but also Jersey (dog) and Kiki (parrot) tagging along.

JD and Jersey riding shot gun.
All week I have been worrying what to do with my dogs once I get to Corpus. Once I get there, I have to check-in to my new command; but I can't leave JD and Jersey in the hotel room by themselves, since they are not crate trained, so I've got to board them; that's fine, but JD has the WORST separation anxiety of any dog I've ever known. So now I've removed him from his home, taken away all his things save a dog bed and his favorite toy, dumped him off at a kennel (though the nicest one in town) and will need to leave him overnight so that I can check-in first thing in the morning. And hopefully, through all this, when I check in, my Service Alphas will not be covered in dog hair. (Which inevitably happens every time).

I've got a housing complex lined up to move into 10 days after I've checked in, which will have a yard for the dogs and my household good should arrive the same day. The dogs should be settled soon, but from now until then, their emotional well-being will be a top concern of mine. But as a responsible pet owner, I've gotten my priorities in line and have plans for them throughout this transition.

Now this is where Dogs on Deployment comes in...

Originally starting DoD, our goal was to help military members while they're on deployment. However, since founding, we've realized that military members need help for more things. A large contender against inconsistent pet policies causing families to have to give up their pets until they can find accepting housing, is families who are PCSing and need help. 

We see families list their pets for two reasons in regards to PCSing; (1) short term help while they move or deal with quarantine requirements (my situation fits the bill for this type of need) and (2) families that are PCSing to a new duty station and cannot, or choose not to, bring their pets with them.

DoD now gears at helping during PCS moves. Our website states short term boarding is available (3 months or less), but sometimes due to living situations at the next duty station (sometimes required to live in barracks), breed bans, size limitations for travel or numerical limitations (especially for oversea PCS moves), pet owners need to utilize our DoD Boarders for longer commitments until they can receive orders back to the US. We're here to help then too.

What we want to encourage, is that pet owners no matter where they're PCSing to or for how long, have plans for what to do with their pets. Here are some tips:

Jersey getting her vaccinations.
  1. Get your pet microchipped and update the information to include the address where you're going to.
  2. Ensure your pet is up to date on vaccinations in case professional boarding is required. Make sure you plan for this expense. Keep a record of your pet's vaccination record with you during travel.
  3. Have housing lined up before you arrive in your new town. Check their pet policy! Make sure they allow your pet's breed, size and the number of pets you own. Plan to have to put a pet deposit down, usually $100-$400 per pet depending on the housing complex. DoD does not allow pets to be posted on our website because pet owners moved into a housing complex without checking the pet policy first.
  4. Know where you're going to stay during your travels and when you get to your new duty station. Check your hotels policy on pets. Some hotels, such as LaQuintas, allow pets and do not require pet deposits! Others require pet fees and have limitations. These fees will not be reimbursed by the military. Usually, when you arrive at your new duty station, you will be required to live at the base's lodging (BEQ/BOQ, hotel, etc). Check for their pet policy. If they don't allow pets, make sure you obtain a signed certificate of non-availability so that you can get reimbursed for hotels paid for out in town.
  5. Research boarding facilities and veterinarians in your new duty station. Call beforehand to see their availability and requirements to board or be seen by them.
  6. If you think you'll require the services of a DoD Boarder while you get situated in your new command, register your pet(s) ASAP and interview DoD Boarders before you arrive in the area. 
  7. If you are having to ship your pet (either across the country or overseas), get advice and make your pets' travel arrangements through our partner, PCSPets.com. They are military-owned and operated and are a full-service pet travel agency specializing in families PCSing. Mention DoD referred you to receive 10% off their service fee. 
With these key points of advice in mind, we hope that pets will be a major concern when a family executes a PCS move. After all, they are a part of the family, please treat them as such! 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Shout That Needs to Be Heard

When I started Dogs on Deployment, I had one intention in mind; help those on deployment find temporary homes for their pets. It didn't occur to me that there were so many problems that existed in the military-pet community, with no real resources to help. So here we are, trying to make change happen.

Recently, more and more owners of the infamous pit-bull have been registering for our site. Approximately 20% of our Pets in Need registered on Dogs on Deployment have been pit-bulls or another "aggressive" dog breed or some mix of. But unfortunately, our success rate for placing these dogs is not as high as other "non-aggressive" breed dogs. I can exactly pin point why when reading emails back and forth between Pet Owners and DoD Boarders.

People fear these dogs. Their housing complexes don't allow them. They don't want to be responsible if the dog becomes aggressive.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with someone not feeling comfortable boarding a certain type of dog. I personally would not feel comfortable boarding anything over 30 lbs; I have two dogs that pull as it is, give them 30 lbs more of pulling power and I would be keeled over in a heart beat. That is not the issue at hand. The issue is the organized discrimination against the breed. The issue is the bans, the lack of education and responsible pet-ownership, the lack of effective means of determining a dog's temperament rather than relying on the breed alone.

Good dogs and responsible pet-owners are being punished for the unfortunate actions of the few, scum of the planet folks that choose to abuse these dogs and participate in heinous crimes. The worst, is when its someone that has faced the terrors attacking this country, when they come home, their war has only begun; now they are fighting for the right to keep their pet because its breed is considered dangerous by some influential circles.

When I think back on pets that have gone through our site and have really affected me, they are all pitbulls. The first were Aries and Artemis; two pitbulls that were abandoned by their caregiver in the dead of winter outside with no food, water or shelter while their owner was deployed. My first thought when I heard this story was, "Two pitbulls? Who will take two pitbulls?" It broke my heart at the prospect we might not be able to help them because of their breed. Miraculously, our networking efforts paid off, and they both went to a safe home until their owner returned.

Next came Diego. Diego and his owner I may never forget. After getting a desperate call from Diego's caregiver that she could no longer keep him in his owner's absence, we put out a plea, and a group of pitbull loving activists went to work transporting Diego from Southern California to Northern California, and organizing a heartfelt reunion for Diego's owner, supplemented by a BBQ and even media coverage. The relief was immense.

Most recently is Pele and Kekoa. A supporter posted a news story on our Facebook page of a military member who received orders to Hawaii, but owns two pitbull mixes. Each are over 9 years old and have always been family pets. But with the breed bans sweeping base housing like wildfire, their family dogs were not allowed to live on base due to breed restrictions. While the family could theoretically live off-base, their housing allowance is not enough to put them in a family home in a safe neighborhood with a good school district for their children. They were placed in the situation that no one should have to face; choose between rehoming your dogs, or living in a safe area for your children. They ended up having to rehome their dogs permanently.

We know as an organization specifically helping military families, we are not going to be able to end breed discrimination nationwide, but perhaps we can start within our internal community; the military. After all, the civilian populace looks to the military for social guidance. If the military ends breed bans, who knows who will follow. Hopefully everyone.

So we've started a petition with our partner Hawaii Military Pets - an active group in the military-pet community. Our goal is to standardized military pet policies. We don't want to just attack the ineffectiveness of breed bans, but also the lack of consistency on pet policies service and installation wide. A pet owner might be fine to have their three dogs on one base, but upon moving to a new base, they find out they are only allowed to have two. How are they supposed to prepare for this?

Since base housing has been privatized, each base housing group is able to establish their own policy, and unfortunately each one is difference. So we've started a petition to Congress to ask for standardized policies, and hopefully an end to breed specific legislation which attacks not only pitbulls, but rottweilers, chows, shiba inus and on some bases, German Shepherds, boxers, etc. Even if they keep breed bans, allow an option for exclusion through a Canine Good Citizen certification.

Here's some keen thoughts for policy change:
  • If numerical limits from base to base are to be imposed, make them consistent.
  • Weight limits due not dictate any problematic behavior of a dog. A Great Dane is the world's largest couch potato while a small terrier can be a flower bed's worst nightmare. 
  • Exchanging breed bans for an effective dangerous dog policy, targeting instead dogs that have has a record of bad behavior through dangerous dog registries, and if deemed effective and time worthy, temperament testing for "aggressive dog breeds."
  • If breed bans are to remain imposed, make the list of breeds consistent from base to base. Allow an exception through a dog who has earned their Canine Good Citizenship despite any breed and a grandfather clause for dogs that have previously lived or are living in base housing.
  • Requirements for current vaccinations, microchipping, and possible alteration.
  • Policy wide anti-tethering laws.
  • Pet educational courses and resources for on-base families.
The above mentioned are my personal thoughts for what key leaders can consider when they write new regulations. None of us have the power to write the new policy, as that will ultimately be up to the higher ups. But we can vocalize our ideas in hopes that when we contact Congress and key leaders with this petition, that we can submit our recommendations in hopes of adoption.

And what will all this accomplish? IMPROVED MORALE! Security in your pet ownership rights. Knowledge that no matter where you go, the rules will be the same. That way, when you add a new pet to your family, you know exactly what you are getting into, and potentially risking.

We've started a Facebook page to help promote this cause and hope you'll join the fight against inconsistent policies. We're happy to note that other national organizations have taken notice of the problems of base housing, including Stubby Dog, a non-profit focused on changing public perceptions of pit bulls. They've asked for pitbull owner's personal stories from people in the military (past and present) who have (or have had) pit bull type dogs. We'll be doing the writing and need YOUR stories! Email me below.

We want consistency! We hope you pledge to help. Sign the petition here and please share with anyone who would like to support us. If you represent an organization that would like to get involved and endorse this petition, contact me to join our efforts at alisa@dogsondeployment.org.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

EMPOC Sundays

Because the military loves acronyms, Dogs on Deployment is coining "EMPOC." What's it stand for? An action close to our hearts; End Military Pets On Craigslist.

Craigslist is one of the most popular posting sites out there. On any given day, you can peruse thousands of listings in your city for anything from "dating" to furniture, cars to unopened packages of paper... And somewhere in there, under "community," you'll find hundreds of listings for pets.

Puppies for sale. A dog in a shelter looking for home. Feral cats looking for a place to live out their lives. Lost ferret. Lost llama (you know I love my llamas). And mixed in, few posts here and there warning people not to use Craigslists to rehome animals.

And yet, people continue to list pets on Craigslist.

Do a quick search on the dangers of Craigslist and you'll receive hits on recent scams and crimes associated with the site. All this transfers to the pet community, and the dangers increase because now we're dealing with a valuable commodity, and one that has a life. Military owners are not the only ones at risk here; anyone who posts a "free to good home" pet is putting themselves and their animals in danger. Unfortunately, military members are often desperate to find a home for their pets (temporary or permanently) when they resort to using Craigslist, and often will post them as "free" without knowing the risks.

Jeffrey Nally Jr. was sentenced 10-45 years in prison
for torturing and killing at least 29 dogs he collected from Craigslist .
Probably the greatest risk of free to good home ads is the quality of person who targets free to good homes. If a person is not willing to pay a small adoption fee, and expect a pet to be free, they are probably not the type of person that is willing to put any investment into an animal. Animal hoarders, families that cannot afford proper pet care and those who believe pets to be disposable are the ones who respond to free to good home posts, and not posts that ask for an adoption fee. In rare circumstances, it has been reported that criminals who seek pleasure from abusing and killing animals will pick up free to good home pets under the guise of an animal lover. One such case was reported in West Virginia, where a 20-year old male was picking up free to good home dogs and severely mutilating, torturing and murdering them. In total, he killed 29 puppies. (Via Pet Pardons)

Another growing scam is dubbed the Pet Profit Scam. The pet owner posts their pet on Craigslist for free, an adopter responds that they will give your dog a loving home, you meet, it seems like a good match so you give them your dog. Check back on Craigslist in a day's time. Your pet might be listed on Craigslist again for a profit of $100-$200! This happened to a woman in New Jersey who posted her dog free on Craigslist. She met a nice husband and wife who took the dog. A week later, she found out that her dog had been sold to another family for $100. (Via Ripoff Report)

The farm of Floyd and Susan Martin in Southampton, PA
which was keeping an inventory of dogs to
sell to medical testing facilities.
There have also been reports of free pets being sold for medical testing to companies, some in the states and some across the border. There have been kennels shut down that were keeping inventory on stray, lost, or free to good home pets. They were selling these pets to leading medical testing facilities for $50-$75 each. (Via PennLive)

Pitbull puppy found free on Craigslist.
He was lucky to end up in a good home
and not as a bait dog.

Free to good home dogs and cats are also in extreme danger of being picked up and used as bait dogs and the fighting rings. Dog fighting is a crime that is prevalent among certain social groups, and typically the pitbull terrier has the highest risk of being picked up by these groups. Young pitbulls posted free to good home might be picked up by someone who wants to test their aggression and potential to be a fighting dog. (Via Examiner) Other breeds, even cats, or pitbulls which do not have good potential can be used at bait dogs. Becoming a bait dog is a fate that no living creature should ever have to endure. Bait dog's muzzles are duck taped closed so they cannot fight back, they are thrown into a ring with a fighting dog, and the criminals excite the dog to attack the bound dog until it is so wounded they kill it, leave it to die or allow the fighting dog to finish the job.

With all these risks, its a wonder anyone would post their pets on Craigslist. No pet, whether owned by a military member or not, should ever post their pet on Craigslist, especially as "free to good" home. This is why Dogs on Deployment has started EMPOC Sundays. Our goal is to every week thoroughly scrub Craigslist for any military pets posted on Craigslist due to deployments or other military commitments. They need to know about Dogs on Deployment in order to increase their chances of finding a responsible and loving DoD Boarder who will care for their pet, eliminating the risks of posting on Craigslist.

So do your part. Every Sunday, do a local search on Craigslist for free or military pets and warn them of the dangers and if applicable, share our organization with them. This is something that everyone can do in order to make a difference in the life of human and canine alike.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What if it were your dog?

JD at 16 weeks old after his last set of shots
and a day at the dog park for his first time.
I have had JD since he was an 8 week old puppy, and he just turned four in March. (Where does the time go?) Since his "infancy," he has been exposed to nearly everything but a plane ride, rock concert and scuba diving. He has met people, other dogs, cats, horses, cows, pigs, parrots, squirrels (he really LOVES squirrels...) etc. To put it short, he is well-socialized. He is (mostly) well-trained, and despite his protests, he'll usually roll over or play dead for a treat (unless he's being very lazy). I feed him food that I would eat in an emergency, take him to the vet for his annual checkup, spend about 30 minutes an evening brushing his ridiculously thick coat, and spoil him rotten. I'd say, overall, I'm a decent pet-owner.

JD has a step above most dogs, because he has an owner who really cares about his physical, mental and emotional well-being. One of the ways I keep him stimulated, is by near-daily trips to the dog park. He has been to parks across the nation through our military-commanded travels. He's met so many dogs and people I'm sure butt-smells are a blur to him.

Never in his four years has he had an incident with another dog. Until today.

I took JD and Jersey to a new dog park. We normally go to Bayview dog park in Pensacola, because there is a beach, a nice running trail and also a fenced in dog park. Due to errands I had to run today, I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone (I was getting brochures printed for our event at the Shiloh Airport in North Carolina, on April 14th!). They excitedly ran into the park, smelt the new dogs and explored their new surroundings, always keeping me in sight. Jersey brought me a disgusting germ-covered ball and I gladly threw it for her because she's so cute and in her puppy-way she asked "Please!" We were having a grand old time. I thought, maybe I found a new dog park that is closer to home (and one without a beach, because every time we go to the park portion of Bayview, JD stares at me wondering why we're not at the beach portion...).

The dogs were getting a little worn out but my brochures weren't going to be done for another 30 minutes so we sat on the bench and JD jumped up beside me for a good scratch behind the ears. Jersey joined shortly after and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I laughed and told the girl next to me, "We could be doing this at home!" Indeed - that is what we're doing right now, sitting together, all three of us on the couch.

A dog that JD had been somewhat getting a long with came up to sniff JD. The girl next to me sat down and put her backpack between us. The dog, which we will name "Precious," (we will use this as an euphemism) came up to sniff the backpack, which JD was also sniffing, and suddenly, went into attack mode. (I found out after that there was some food in the backpack.)

Precious grabbed JD by the scruff and yanked him to the ground. Without screaming or making a sound, I leaped to my feet, grabbed Precious by her scruff and threw her a good four feet from JD. All I saw were tuffs of JD's white fur floating peacefully through the air as Precious attacked again. JD, backing away and trying to avoid getting bit by his neck area, took protection behind me while I seized the dog one more time and then pushed JD even further away. This time, Precious lunged at ME! She grabbed me by the wrist before finally coming-to and let go.

Artist rendition of the
owner of Precious
I had yelled for the owner, who stood idly beside us with his leash in hand, a bit dumbfounded. I told him frankly, "Get your dog out of this park." He apologized several times, leashed his dog and left. Despite some missing fur, a bit of shock, a scratched cell phone (from falling out of my lap when I leaped to save my dog - whatever - a million and one cell phones wouldn't amount to the worth of my dog [a million and one cell phones at the price iPhone charges - without a contract]) and a bruised wrist that temporarily doesn't bend, all is fine.

I myself left immediately after gathering my things. JD, Jersey and I took a well-deserved trip to Petco (will they pay DoD royalties for this?) to buy entirely too many toys and a can of Wellness' Lamb stew. At checkout, as I was awkwardly holding my keys, dogs, wallet and purchases due to my swelling wrist, the cashier asked me what was wrong, so I briefly explained what happened.

Her reply, "Was it a [breed of dog - I don't want to cause any biases... but it was NOT a bully breed!!!] owned by an older man?" I said, why yes, yes it was! And she said she stopped going there because she had seen that same dog in attacks with others before!

Wow. And he still brings his dog back?

The dog bite
I am a strong proponent for "Blame the deed, not the breed." I didn't even want the man's name or number after I found out JD was OK. First, JD is insured (I highly recommend pet insurance in case of injury or illness) but second, JD was in fact, OK. I have no idea what the background of this dog is. She looked healthy; good weight, bright eyes, friendly demeanor. Her owner obviously cared some about her since she was at the dog park. Was she a rescue? Did she have a bad past? But how can an owner stand idly by while his dog is attacking another? Why would you bring your dog back if it had been in incidents before? Do you ever blame the dog, and not the people?

I don't know if I did the right thing by not reporting this man's dog. I think I did. It wasn't so serious that I felt it needed to be reported. But what if it had been? Or what if the next time this dog attacks, it is serious? I warned that man he should not bring his dog back to the park. But now we're punishing the dog for a possible lack of responsibility on the owner's behalf. Its a catch-22 scenario. There is no perfect solution.

What I can say is this, I won't be returning to that park as long as that crowd is there. I can also guarantee all of you that my dogs will remain properly socialized and stimulated, and if one of my dogs ever becomes aggressive, I'll be seeking professional help to put them back on track, because what if it were ever JD who was the perpetrator of a dog attack? I hope that it would be the same for my readers. If you're reading this, you must give a hoot about the welfare of animals, as we all should.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

So You're Going on Deployment

I've received many calls and emails from concerned Pet Owners asking about our DoD Boarders. Do we do background checks? Do we do home checks? Do we personally know the DoD Boarder? Unfortunately, the answer is no. This is outside our means and mission scope.

Running a national non-profit single-handily has been an eye-opening, yet rewarding experience. I've learned how to answer many questions about our process. And being an extremely OCD/critical/controlling Pet Owner, I understand the calls I get from our military members asking "how do I choose a DoD Boarder?" I'm going to give you my presidential opinion (and while I call it "presidential," I do not elevate my word as being all-inclusive or appropriate for all situations... there's my disclaimer).

The time comes. You've received orders. "Where's my pet going to go?" Well first thing I don't do is post on Craigslist. First thing I do do, is ask my friends and family; people I know, people I trust, and most importantly people my pet already is comfortable with. Turns out, my family's housing complex doesn't allow dogs and my friend just had a baby. No help. The next things I definitely DON'T do is take my pet to the shelter. Seriously people, let me reiterate...

This does so many negative things. Let me rant off a few:
  1. Shelters are completely overflowing with unwanted pets. "What's one more pet? He's such a good dog/cat/llama/etc. He's sure to get adopted." Wrong! The ASPCA estimates that approximately 5 million to 7 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year, but approximately 3 million to 4 million are euthanized. What does this mean for your beloved family pet? Unless you take them to a no-kill shelter, there is a chance they will be euthanized without your knowledge, and no-kill shelters usually have month+ long waiting lists. The older the dog, the higher chance of euthanasia. If your dog is a mutt, even higher chance. If you have a cat... well, cats don't have 9 lives in shelters. So please, no shelters. It shouldn't be an option.
  2. It gives the military a bad name. There are many advocates out there that say military families should not be allowed to adopt pets because their lifestyles are changing so much they cannot provide a stable home for their pets. Some shelters, I've heard from the grapevine, won't adopt to military because of this reason. If you are a pet owner, you are a pet owner and you deal with it the best way you can. As military members, we are expected to be responsible members of society. If you do not think you can properly take care of a pet from day one. Do not get a pet until you are settled, in a non-deployable status, have a stable family situation, or out of the military. Else, always have a plan for your pet while you serve. It is your responsibility as a pet owner, a care-giver... as a human. 
  3. It is entirely unfair to your pet. Here you are, a furry dog lying on your bed in a warm house. You are used to the sounds of the tv, the dishwasher, the hall clock, the kids playing outdoors... You are used to your master coming home everyday at 5pm and to feed you a meal. You're used to taking up half the bed space because obviously you require that much to sleep comfortably. Then one day, because you're owner didn't research options, your living in a cold, damp, box. You hear barking of strange dogs, you see people passing you everyday without a second glance, you have no toys... This is the life you want for your pet? And let's revisit #2. 
Ok, now that the bad part is over, lets assume you are a loving and responsible military and pet owner. You've done your homework, and ta-da! You've discovered this awesome organization called Dogs on Deployment! This is great! You list your pet. You have 5 DoD Boarders registered in your area. Two respond and say they are highly interested in boarding your pet for your deployment! Now what?
  1. Conduct a phone interview. Talk about their lifestyle. Do they have other pets? What kind of housing do they have? Apartment/yard? Do they have kids? Do they work long hours? Are they experienced with pets? If you get a good feel from the DoD Boarder, you're 10% done.
  2. Schedule a meet-and-greet for the DoD Boarder to meet your pet. Do this in a non-threatening environment, someplace your pet will not feel territorial or uncomfortable. Good places are dog parks (if your dog is well socialized) or just a regular park. Let the DoD Boarder observe your dog. Don't feel obligated to force your dog to meet the DoD Boarder. Perhaps bring some treats for them to give your dog. Allow the dog to come to the boarder, not the other way around. If your DoD Boarder has other dogs, this would be a good time to meet to check for compatibility.
  3. It went good? Your DoD Boarder didn't try to smother your dog? They didn't yell or hit it if they jumped? They seemed kind and pet-loving? Good! Those are the types of people we want in our program. Now is a good time to ask for some references from the DoD Boarder. Consider asking for their employer reference. Do they have pets? Ask for a veterinarian/boarding/groomer reference. Ask for a friend or co-worker. Ask for their landlord. Anything that will give you a sense that this person is responsible. At your discretion you might even want to ask for a background check. But that's up to you. You just don't want to find out too late that this caring person is actually [enter society's bad stereotype here].
  4. Things check out good. Let's proceed. You want your dog to be completely comfortable with your DoD Boarder. After all, they might be together for 6-12 months. Invite your DoD Boarder to your home. Let them sit on your couch. Let your dog play a game of fetch or tug-o-war with them. Make sure your dog is accepting them into their territory. If your dog is growling or barking uncontrollably and irregularly, your dog might not be comfortable with them and may need more time and meetings.
  5. Meet the DoD Boarder at their house! This is a great time to allow your dog to explore their new home. If the DoD Boarder has other pets, it might be best to keep them in a separate room to avoid territorial problems. Let your dog sniff, play with the DoD Boarder and get comfortable.
  6. Now is time for the trial. You want to make sure your dog is completely comfortable with this family (and you too). Schedule a weekend for the DoD Boarder family to have a doggie sleepover. Let them watch your dog for 1-2 nights, this way they can talk to you about any problems they might have encountered. Did the dog mark? Did they bark? Did they have separation anxiety? The point of this is to one, get the dog comfortable, but also highlight any problems the DoD Boarder might have with your dog. This can also help decrease the chance that the DoD Boarder might become overwhelmed with your pet's behavior AFTER you're gone, and be stuck with a pet they can't handle. This is the DoD Boarder's chance to determine if your dog is a good fit in their house. 
  7. Did it go well? No accidents or barking? DoD Boarder is still on-board? Awesome! Time to prepare your legal rights! Dogs on Deployment provides an example contract to go over and sign with your DoD Boarder to ensure you have set forth requirements and expectations for your pet's care in your absence. That contract can be found here. Go over it with your DoD Boarder and determine if there are additional things you might need to cover. 
  8. Prep your pet! You want to make sure your pet is completely healthy before transferring care to someone new. Not only is this good for your pet, but it can also protect you legally. If you have on file that your pet weighed 50lbs when you dropped them off but 6 months later they weighed 40lbs due to malnutrition, you have documentation that can stand in court (although we REALLY hope this won't be needed, its good just in case). Schedule an annual exam with your vet and make sure you have them spayed/neutered, current on vaccinations, valid rabies license, microchipped and have enough flea/heartworm prevention to give to the DoD Boarder. If you need financial assistance with getting this accomplished, Dogs on Deployment has a Pet Chit financial assistance program which can help qualifying military members get this pet care before they deploy. If you would like to donate to this fund, please do so here! 
  9. While you're there, set up a payment account with your veterinarian. In the DoD Contract is a Veterinarian Release Form that you should give to your vet in case of injury or accident. This authorizes the vet to charge your credit card and treat your pet in your absence. 
  10. You're finally ready to drop off your pet with your DoD Boarder. Make sure you provide them with enough food to get them through at least a couple months. If you plan on paying a stipend for your pet, ensure you set up a bank transfer for your pet's care to their personal account. Drop them off with a bunch of treats, love, their favorite toys, bed and something that smells like you. Don't be too emotional when you leave; they'll pick up on it and may stress them out. Thank your DoD Boarder!!! They are doing a wonderful thing for you, while you're doing a wonderful thing for our country.
I hope this checklist will help military members (and DoD Boarders) better use our networking service. Have a safe deployment, care for their pets, and do good things.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Importance of Friendship... For Dogs

Me and my puppy
If JD could be by my side 24-7, I think he'd be a very happy puppy. Although that might not be an entirely healthy relationship for either me, or my dog, I know it would satisfy my dog's need for companionship. My dog needed a friend. He'd been through so much in his young life. He needed stability.

How did I become involved with animals? With saving animals? With helping animals? Where did it start?

When I was about 4 years old, I got my first pet. My parents used to raise parrots when I was young. We had a breeder pair of love birds. One day after I got home from preschool, my mom called me into the aviary. The eggs were hatching! I looked into the nesting box, and sure enough there were little babies and one or two eggs still cracking. I picked one up, put it in my tiny hand, although the end was much smaller, and watched with amazement as life was born. Life, from this tiny little white rock, was appearing in my hand! After a few minutes, this bald, ugly little bird-thing was in the palm of my hand. Eyes closed, beak soft, skin gooey... I knew this bird would change my life. His name was Peachy.

Peachy IV
I had Peachy for 15 years. Well, in reality, I had about 4 different "Peachys." Apparently as a child, my birds kept dying for various reasons, and my mother kept replacing them without my knowledge... So I had Peachy IV for maybe 10 years... Either way, he was an amazing little bird. He passed when I was 18 years old, and to this day I still keep a picture of him on my bedside table. It is important to allow children to experience animals - I learned love, respect for life, responsibility, how to be gentle, how to care, how to understand different creatures. I believe every child should be raised with a pet wholeheartedly, because of Peachy.
Tucker before he got sick, and the blanket he slept on

Through high school, I had a couple cats. I had a beautiful ocicat named Tucker. He was a "dog-cat." Fetched, rough housed with my dog, etc. He was so cool. Unfortunately he died before he turned 3 due to irreparable intestinal tumors. He was put to sleep in my arms. I cried for a week straight in my room holding onto his blanket. It was my first real heart break.

Tasha in her watering hole,
AKA the sunk in ground around the sign post
I had Tasha, my first dog. A red Australian Cattle Dog I got when I was 11. I always wanted an Australian Shepherd (hence JD). My mom thought I said Australian Cattle Dog... So she went to a ranch to pick out a puppy for me. My only requirement was I had to have a water dog! So when all the puppies ran to my mother, Tasha, ran through the water dish, stopped, turned around, and lied down in the oversized bowl. My mom said that was the dog. Tasha came home. She is now "retired" living with my parents on the island of Maui. Her life is pretty grand. She deserves it. She's a great dog.

JD at 3 weeks
Since I never did get my blue merle Australian Shepherd, when my then fiance and I decided to get a dog, Shawn had little option in what we were getting. I searched breeders across the states - I had to have the perfect dog. And found JD. This little guinnee pig looking new born puppy with black spots under his eyes. He was mine. He was the greatest thing to ever come into my life (greater than my husband you ask? It’s debatable...) He has provided me with such joy, calm, love and comfort, I don't know what I would do if something were to happen to him. But that is why he is microchipped, insured and has a GPS tracking device when he goes on trips.

Getting a dog from a breeder was hard. I felt like a complete hypocrite. I always told my friends, ADOPT, ADOPT, ADOPT! And here I am getting my first dog from a breeder. I felt so guilty, but then I looked at JD’s faced and I knew I didn’t make a mistake. I went to a responsible breeder, he came from a good line, and I didn’t buy him from a pet store. Eventually I got over it, but only because I went on a rampage to make up for the fact that I didn’t adopt my first dog.

Shawn went on his first deployment in 2010. It was the first time I was home alone without my husband’s constraints. Oh what fun I had! My friends were all in San Diego, I had so much free time, I could do whatever I wanted! So what did I do? I filled the void in my soul.

I was driving home from work one day and saw a dog run across the road, almost getting hit. He was a little, brown dog with a big fluffy tail. I have NEVER passed a stray or loose dog on the road without stopping and at least attempting to catch it. I once stopped an eight-lane expressway to allow a family of ducks to cross the street, I definitely couldn’t leave a dog to fend against a road. So I stopped, and surprisingly, this little brown dog smiles, wagged his tail, and walked right up to me.

I thought when I first saw him, “this dog has to have a home, he’s too cute!” Then I picked him up… He was covered in fleas. He was completely emaciated, nothing on his body but skin and bones. I was afraid of hurting him picking him up because he was so skinny. He was unneutered, and I later found unmicrochipped too. I took him to the shelter, where he was never claimed, and then I decided to foster him.

JD and Loxley hogging the couch
His name was Loxley… he looked like a mix between a corgi and a German Shepherd. JD and Loxley became the best of friends. They were about the same size, they wrestled constantly, they cuddled, they played, they loved each other. I had him for 8-months before I adopted him to one of my best friends, a fellow Naval aviator. I cried when he left. I think JD did too.

I thought that would be the last time. Until one day, I was driving home from work (sound familiar) and saw two white dogs bolt across the busy street. I stopped my car and followed them down an alley way. I lost one of the dogs, but the other, a Parsons terrier, stopped in the front yard of this run down house. I thought, this must be his home. So I went to pick him up. That’s when he turned his face. He was missing half of it. Literally, half his cheek had been torn off (dog fight?) and was badly infected and trying to scab. His tail was also broken. I knocked on the dog and asked the person if this was their dog. They informed me in broken English, that they couldn’t take the dog to the vet. They didn’t want it. I asked if I could have it. They said yes. I took the dog.

Tuck with his face healing (right side)
His name was Tuck. I took him to the vet, his face healed, his personality thrived, and he became an adorable little friendly companion. He and JD were inseparable! They would fight over who got to be in my lap, they would chase each other around the backyard for hours, then would pass out on the bed together. I had Tuck for two months, then I adopted him to a young girl who already owned another Parsons terrier and was familiar with the breed. Off he went. I was happier this time, JD wasn’t.

My husband said “Not again! No more dogs!” Our lease didn’t even allow two dogs. I agreed. No more dogs. Then it was Easter weekend. I had just parked my car in the driveway coming home from work… And down the sidewalk bolts this little blonde dog. She stopped when she saw me, ran up to me, and proceeded to look at me cutely. I picked her up. I recognized her from the neighbor’s yard. I walked down the block to their house. I said, “Isn’t this your dog?” They said, “Yes! But she ate the Easter baskets! So we kicked her out!” I said, “Do you mind if I keep her?” They said, “What do we care? Just don’t bring her here!”

The irresistible smile Jelly Bean gave
Her name was Jelly Bean. She was a healthy puppy, I got her spayed, I gave her love. JD and her played tug o war endlessly. She followed him around with great admiration. I had her for a month before I adopted her to another young girl who was looking for a companion and her first puppy. I was happy to give her away, I was done with puppies! And she was going to a good home. JD was bored when she left.

And then TBS came, and we uprooted JD’s entire world, moved him across the country, and stuck him in a house with a new family and new dogs. JD and Bailey became “boyfriend and girlfriend.” JD used to get terrible separation anxiety when I would leave him, but after befriending Bailey, right after the door would close, they would frolic in the backyard for hours. They slept together, they ate together, they played together. JD would have been happy to live with Bailey forever.

But then I completed TBS, and uprooted JD again, and moved him to Pensacola, FL, put him in a new house and expected him to adjust.

How can a human really expect a dog to adjust to that? JD went through four “best friends,” and each time I think he must have thought, “This is the one! This is going to be my friend forever!” But all the same, the time would come his best friend would disappear one day. He became depressed, I think he felt abandoned. Every time we’d go to the dog park, it was as if he was looking for Loxley, for Tuck, Jelly Bean or Bailey. Bailey most of all. But he never found them.

It is so important for your dog to have stability in their life. It is impossible to live a life the entire lifespan of a dog and not have change; moving, babies, new pets, old pets die, new people, marriage, etc. But something must be stable. JD needed a friend, a permanent friend. A friend that no matter what they would be comforted through our crazy life, together. This will not be the last military move we do. This is just the first. JD needs a friend who understands him on a dog-level, to go through all this together.
JD and Jersey sharing their bed

>So I finally got to adopt my dog. After years of scanning PetFinder.com for a female miniature Australian Shepherd to be a companion for JD, I found one right before TBS graduation. I submitted my adoption application, and the rescue group didn’t need to think twice before they called me up and told me I was accepted.

Her name is Jersey. And she is my little girl. She is JD’s best friend. And she will be there all the times I can’t be, to experience this crazy military life with JD. And hopefully, just hopefully, JD will know that he’s always got a friend.